Maybe that’s too much screen time? Did you know? On average, in the UK, adults spend 6 hours and 25 minutes on their devices per day.
The harm that it causes Have you heard of blue light? Blue light is what shines out from your screen. Blue wavelengths are beneficial during the daytime because they boost attention, reaction, and mood. However, during the night, they can disrupt your sleep pattern. This leads to tiredness in the mornings due to disturbed sleep and, the cycle can continue. Think about your eyes - the more exposure they have to blue light, the more likely problems such as headaches arise. (Harvard Medical School, 2020)
Ways to reduce screen-time You could do this by taking a short break from your screens during the day. For example, fill your time with some physical activity instead or do a hobby you enjoy to move your focus away from the screen. Try doing this and let us know how it went. We would love to hear about your experience! |